Ever find out about the perfect grant too late to apply? It’s incredibly frustrating, and the most annoying part is that it’s not like there’s anything you could have done differently – there’s simply too much going on for you to stay on top of something that isn’t ranked in the top 50 most urgent items.

That’s why we’re working on a service to let you know when a grant you’re eligible for has opened. We’re opening the program to a limited number of farmers in April, and we’ll ask for your feedback as we refine it and add more programs to our database. Within a few months, we should be pulling from a database of over 5000 federal, state and local funding sources. We’ll then email you weekly to let you know which of those programs are open to you in any given week.

We’re going to kick this off at $1/month or $10/year for life for anyone who wants to join our limited release in April. In exchange, we’ll ask for your feedback as we add additional features. If you’re interested, enter your info in this link and we’ll be sure to let you know when we launch!

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