
Farm Forward Business Tips

Kirsten Simmons 

As the co-founder and Chief Farming Officer of Good Agriculture, Kirsten lives as a passionate advocate for sustainable farming. Kirsten contributes her expertise to ACRES’ USA, where she writes to educate and share knowledge with fellow farmers.

Featured Articles


“Branding the Harvest”

By Kirsten Simmons

“Regardless of whether you sell to the local grain silo, into wholesale markets or straight to the consumer, your farm has a brand. And the more buyers recognize…”

“Sharing Farm Business Insights” 

By Kirsten Simmons

“Over the past eight months or so, this column has worked through all the different strands of a safety net that farmers can weave for themselves. In…”


“Keeping on Top of the Books”

By Kirsten Simmons

“This is the last piece of the “farmer safety net,” and for many it will be the most challenging. Show of hands: who knows whether their farm…”


“Do It Better!”

By Kirsten Simmons

“This aspect of the farmer safety net is something everyone can do, regardless of where you are, what you grow or who you’re surrounded by. Operational…”




“Markets and Marketing”

By Kirsten Simmons

“Growing your product is only half the battle — you don’t get anything until you’ve sold it. Where you sell your product can be a part…”




“The Joys (and Perils) of Community Ownership/Investment” 

By Kirsten Simmons 

“Like my article on co-ops, this month’s strand in the farmer safety net isn’t for everyone, but it can be very powerful in the right situation.”


“Diversifying Customers”

By Kirsten Simmons

“This month’s strand in the farmer safety net is a bit counterintuitive. I’d like to talk about crop specialization. How many crops do you grow? One?”